
Monday, November 8, 2010

Coca-Cola’s New Marketing

I don’t think cocoa cola can be decep­tive in their advert.all i see here is that coca cola is try­ing to reg­u­late tjhe men­taliy of her con­sumer to buy and which all organ­i­sa­tion do espe­cially when the com­petion is high.advert is all about strong abil­ity to con­vince the con­sumer to buy.
on the other hand con­sumers also should try to eval­u­ate advert and see which one sat­isfy their minds,since all pro­duc­ers are bent on lur­ing con­sumers at all cost to buySo, in drink­ing Coca Cola ” you’ll be hydrat­ing your body with each and every sip.” How­ever, that’s not nec­es­sar­ily a good thing taken alone. You can also “hydrate” your body with every sip of Scotch you take until the bot­tle is empty. You can do it for free with every breath you take.

The prob­lem here is not with any­one mis­lead­ing any­one else, or even with the adver­tis­ing indus­try itself. The prob­lem here is with a school sys­tem that indoc­tri­nates pop­u­la­tions into unques­tion­ing obe­di­ence and accep­tance of any­thing that sounds remotely author­i­ta­tive, and dis­cour­ages (mainly through encour­aged frontal lobe atro­phy) any kind of ques­tion­ing, rea­son­ing or crit­i­cal think­ing. The prob­lem here is that we have all been trained never to actively think (using rein­force­ment tech­niques involv­ing hos­til­ity or ridicule, or both).
I believe that Coca-Cola has four main KSF’s (Key Suc­cess Factors).
It’s kinda llke get­ting my carbs from beer if I am look­ing for a carb booster for my car­dio work outs. Carbs help me keep my endurance and sugar lev­els for the burst of speed I need to keep with the pro­gram regimine. I pre­fer pas­tas and other starches, but beer would do just a well, based on this thin rea­son­ing.. and from a com­pany as big as Coke?

Come on Coke! Aren’t they mak­ing a profit now? Do they have to stoop to this level, and argue­ment so tis­sue thin, it had bet­ter not rain (which is what we should be drink­ing more of). But no.. the stock­hold­ers are hold­ing this CEO and bas­ing his salary on the amount of stock price, so there fore, in order to encour­age more peo­ple to drink Coke, they can now be jus­ti­fied in doing so because of the “asso­ci­a­tion” made to hydra­tion to the brand name Coke?

Hell, Just print.. COKE and HYDRATION and be done with it.

This kind of mar­ket­ing is just as bad as some other sins out there

*The first one of them is that the com­pany has an his­tor­i­cal and a med­ical aspect to it.
*Coca-Cola was also (and still is) very suc­cess­ful with their com­mu­ni­ca­tion
*Coca-Cola has been able to really set itself apart as a leader by cre­at­ing impor­tant and mean­ing­ful
*Finally, Coca-Cola is also very effi­cient in adapt­ing: their prod­ucts

And the upshot of all that? Per­fectly obe­di­ent ranks of Pruss­ian cit­i­zens, con­sumers and can­non fod­der, who sali­vate at the sight of weasel words like “hydrate”, and stretch out their arms and walk funny for­wards mut­ter­ing some­thing about obey­ing when hear­ing “new”, “improved”, “free”, “fresh”, “easy” or “patriot”, “flag”, “nation”, etc.

If you believe Coca Cola will “hydrate” your body with every sip, you deserve a big glass­ful. The glu­cose will help you remem­ber what­ever it is you have to recite

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