I don’t think cocoa cola can be deceptive in their advert.all i see here is that coca cola is trying to regulate tjhe mentaliy of her consumer to buy and which all organisation do especially when the competion is high.advert is all about strong ability to convince the consumer to buy.
on the other hand consumers also should try to evaluate advert and see which one satisfy their minds,since all producers are bent on luring consumers at all cost to buySo, in drinking Coca Cola ” you’ll be hydrating your body with each and every sip.” However, that’s not necessarily a good thing taken alone. You can also “hydrate” your body with every sip of Scotch you take until the bottle is empty. You can do it for free with every breath you take.
The problem here is not with anyone misleading anyone else, or even with the advertising industry itself. The problem here is with a school system that indoctrinates populations into unquestioning obedience and acceptance of anything that sounds remotely authoritative, and discourages (mainly through encouraged frontal lobe atrophy) any kind of questioning, reasoning or critical thinking. The problem here is that we have all been trained never to actively think (using reinforcement techniques involving hostility or ridicule, or both).
I believe that Coca-Cola has four main KSF’s (Key Success Factors).
It’s kinda llke getting my carbs from beer if I am looking for a carb booster for my cardio work outs. Carbs help me keep my endurance and sugar levels for the burst of speed I need to keep with the program regimine. I prefer pastas and other starches, but beer would do just a well, based on this thin reasoning.. and from a company as big as Coke?
Come on Coke! Aren’t they making a profit now? Do they have to stoop to this level, and arguement so tissue thin, it had better not rain (which is what we should be drinking more of). But no.. the stockholders are holding this CEO and basing his salary on the amount of stock price, so there fore, in order to encourage more people to drink Coke, they can now be justified in doing so because of the “association” made to hydration to the brand name Coke?
Hell, Just print.. COKE and HYDRATION and be done with it.
This kind of marketing is just as bad as some other sins out there
*The first one of them is that the company has an historical and a medical aspect to it.
*Coca-Cola was also (and still is) very successful with their communication
*Coca-Cola has been able to really set itself apart as a leader by creating important and meaningful
*Finally, Coca-Cola is also very efficient in adapting: their products
And the upshot of all that? Perfectly obedient ranks of Prussian citizens, consumers and cannon fodder, who salivate at the sight of weasel words like “hydrate”, and stretch out their arms and walk funny forwards muttering something about obeying when hearing “new”, “improved”, “free”, “fresh”, “easy” or “patriot”, “flag”, “nation”, etc.
If you believe Coca Cola will “hydrate” your body with every sip, you deserve a big glassful. The glucose will help you remember whatever it is you have to recite
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