At the international conference "Building a Future on Peace and Justice" held from 25-27 June 2007 in Nuremberg representatives of governments and international organizations discussed with practitioners, academics and members of civil society from all over the world issues of conflict management, reconciliation and reconstruction. Some 450 officials and experts from over 80 countries came together to share their experience of peace and reconciliation processes. They explored key issues such as the impact of the International Criminal Court and other justice mechanisms on conflict dynamics, how far amnesties are acceptable, the importance of truth seeking and social justice, the role of peace negotiators and the linkage between local and international approaches as well as the importance of building rule-of-law structures. The situation in countries such as Afghanistan, Uganda, Colombia and Iraq shows just how topical such issues are.
About the EN Eurocodes
The EN Eurocodes are expected to contribute to the establishment and functioning of the for construction products and engineering services by eliminating the disparities that hinder their free circulation within the Community. Further, they are meant to lead to more uniform levels of safety in construction in Europe.
The EN Eurocodes will become the reference design codes. They are currently at the national calibration stage. After publication of the transposing the Eurocodes and the National Annexes, they will be used in parallel with existing national standards until 2010, when all conflicting standards will be withdrawn.
It is that the Member States accept designs to the EN Eurocodes, since the National standards implementing the EN Eurocodes will become the standard technical specification in all contracts for public works and public services.
The EN Eurocodes apply to
structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works including:
geotechnical aspects;
structural fire design;
situations including earthquakes, execution and temporary structures.
For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc) other provisions than those in the EN Eurocodes might be necessary.
The EN Eurocodes cover
basis of structural design (EN 1990);
actions on structures (EN 1991);
the design of concrete (EN 1992), steel (EN 1993), composite steel and concrete ; (EN 1994), timber (EN 1995), masonry (EN 1996) and aluminium (EN 1999) structures, together with;
geotechnical design (EN 1997) and
the design, assessment and retrofitting of structures for earthquake resistance (EN 1998).
The EN Eurocodes are reference documents
The Member States of the EU and the European Free Trade Association recognise that EN Eurocodes serve as reference documents for the following purposes:
as a means to prove compliance of building and civil engineering works with the essential requirements of the Construction Products
The EN Eurocodes are expected to contribute to the establishment and functioning of the for construction products and engineering services by eliminating the disparities that hinder their free circulation within the Community. Further, they are meant to lead to more uniform levels of safety in construction in Europe.
The EN Eurocodes will become the reference design codes. They are currently at the national calibration stage. After publication of the transposing the Eurocodes and the National Annexes, they will be used in parallel with existing national standards until 2010, when all conflicting standards will be withdrawn.
It is that the Member States accept designs to the EN Eurocodes, since the National standards implementing the EN Eurocodes will become the standard technical specification in all contracts for public works and public services.
The EN Eurocodes apply to
structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works including:
geotechnical aspects;
structural fire design;
situations including earthquakes, execution and temporary structures.
For the design of special construction works (e.g. nuclear installations, dams, etc) other provisions than those in the EN Eurocodes might be necessary.
The EN Eurocodes cover
basis of structural design (EN 1990);
actions on structures (EN 1991);
the design of concrete (EN 1992), steel (EN 1993), composite steel and concrete ; (EN 1994), timber (EN 1995), masonry (EN 1996) and aluminium (EN 1999) structures, together with;
geotechnical design (EN 1997) and
the design, assessment and retrofitting of structures for earthquake resistance (EN 1998).
The EN Eurocodes are reference documents
The Member States of the EU and the European Free Trade Association recognise that EN Eurocodes serve as reference documents for the following purposes:
as a means to prove compliance of building and civil engineering works with the essential requirements of the Construction Products
NBN Member Art Ludwig will be giving a press conference Tuesday August 4th, 2009 from 9:00 to 9:30 am, at the Santa Barbara Library Main Branch Downtown, at the start of his free, City of Santa Barbara-Sponsored workshop on Laundry to Landscape systems currently with over 100 registrants. Ludwig, who participated in the historic graywater code adoption meeting last week in Sacramento at the behest of the City of Santa Barbara Water Resources Division, will tell the story of this code’s process (which involved the biggest stakeholder meetings for any code promulgated by CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)). He will also discuss the significance of the Building Standards Commission’s historic shift from considering only occupant safety to also taking into account off-site and future impacts of a building’s systems. (California Building Standards Commission is currently revising California’s Green Building standards, another sea change).
A collision of world views was in full evidence at the July 31st hearing of the California Building Standards Commission that considered the CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)’s proposed new graywater standards. Emergency standards pertaining to new Graywater Standards for residential construction (EF 01-09)
In a hearing lasting all day, highly qualified stakeholders spoke passionately for and against the adoption of the new standards as the hearing roller-coastered dramatically to its historic conclusion.
The commissioners are to be congratulated for their leadership. It is always more work to set up a new system than to fit into an existing one.
It would have been a lot easier to stand aside as legal buildings continue to waste resources and pollute the environment. However, in the face of deeply entrenched, powerful opposition, the commission is rising to the challenge of revising all of California’s building codes to allow/ require better building systems and besides its emergency approval of the new graywater standards yesterday, the California Building Standards Commission is also revising California’s Green Building Standards to include many new mandatory and voluntary measures to reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts of California buildings.
RESOURCESMedia resources, links to how to educational materials for the public http://www.oasisdesign.net/greywater/press/
On June 4, 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-06-08 proclaiming that a statewide drought condition existed and directed the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to take specific action to counter the drought.
In 2008, Senate Bill 1258 (Ch. 172, Stats. Of 2008) was signed by the Governor enacting new statues in the Health and Safety Code(section 17922.12 and 18941.7) and amending existing statute in the Water Code ()Section 14877.1) These statutes, effective January 1, 2009, including requirements that directed the Department of Housing and Community Development(HCD) to propose to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) building standards for the construction, installation, and alteration of graywater systems for residential indoor and outdoor uses.
On Feb 27 , 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger issued a proclamation declaring a drought to be in existence and a state of emergency to exist in California. This proclamation was based upon the circumstances of severe drought conditions that by the reason of their magnitude is beyond the control of the services , personnel, equipment and facilities of any one local entity and requires the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat.
Existing Graywater standards contained in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24, California Plumbing Code, Part 5, Appendix G are based upon requirements for private sewage disposal. Theses standards have been found to be overly prescriptive and antiquated, and not readily usable by persons seeking to install graywater systems for the purpose of water conservation.
The graywater regulation revolution was started in 1989 in Santa Barbara, California. It spread from there to four other communities, then the whole state, via the Uniform Plumbing Code, in 1992.
The approach the commission has now adopted is being used successfully in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and soon Nevada, Montana, and Oregon. With this change, California is regaining its leadership role for graywater reuse.
NBN News graywater, greywater
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2 Responses to “Revolutionary Graywater Code Passes California Building Standards Commission”
Katin says:
August 26, 2009 at 12:03 am
To C.R. and Mrs. Fowler,
If you and thousands of other Americans would cease buying and using non-green household products there would be no fear of contaminating the soil and the possibility of illness from said soil or crops grown thereon. And when I say non-green products, I mean shampoo, soap, lotion, moisturizer, creams, hair dyes and all other products with toxic chemicals and animal hormone extracts.
So to all People, rise up and take responsibility for yourselves! No more red tape, use your common sense. We are the stewards of the Earth and we know with every fiber of our being what to do in order to care for it.
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
As with other legislation, we assume it is money more than principle influencing this fundamental change in water standards. But former thoughtful high standards shouldn’t be bypassed – the public needs facts.
We have seen no scientific studies saying that graywater leaving our individual homes for our yards, with its hormone creams and man made contaminants historically unknown to natural soil filtration, will be adequately filtered by the time it leaves underground aquifers. We do know of numerous illnesses, including Parkinsonism, which can be caused by polluted well water.
We live on porous alluvial soil with periodic high water tables,and must drink water pumped and processed from wells under our homes by a regional water company. We need proof of its safety, not just enthusiastic statements by those who will profit from installing new systems.
Please send us a summary of the rational pros and cons of permitting each house to install unfiltered systems to their yard.
Thank you, C.R. and Mrs. Fowler
A collision of world views was in full evidence at the July 31st hearing of the California Building Standards Commission that considered the CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)’s proposed new graywater standards. Emergency standards pertaining to new Graywater Standards for residential construction (EF 01-09)
In a hearing lasting all day, highly qualified stakeholders spoke passionately for and against the adoption of the new standards as the hearing roller-coastered dramatically to its historic conclusion.
The commissioners are to be congratulated for their leadership. It is always more work to set up a new system than to fit into an existing one.
It would have been a lot easier to stand aside as legal buildings continue to waste resources and pollute the environment. However, in the face of deeply entrenched, powerful opposition, the commission is rising to the challenge of revising all of California’s building codes to allow/ require better building systems and besides its emergency approval of the new graywater standards yesterday, the California Building Standards Commission is also revising California’s Green Building Standards to include many new mandatory and voluntary measures to reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts of California buildings.
RESOURCESMedia resources, links to how to educational materials for the public http://www.oasisdesign.net/greywater/press/
On June 4, 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-06-08 proclaiming that a statewide drought condition existed and directed the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to take specific action to counter the drought.
In 2008, Senate Bill 1258 (Ch. 172, Stats. Of 2008) was signed by the Governor enacting new statues in the Health and Safety Code(section 17922.12 and 18941.7) and amending existing statute in the Water Code ()Section 14877.1) These statutes, effective January 1, 2009, including requirements that directed the Department of Housing and Community Development(HCD) to propose to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) building standards for the construction, installation, and alteration of graywater systems for residential indoor and outdoor uses.
On Feb 27 , 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger issued a proclamation declaring a drought to be in existence and a state of emergency to exist in California. This proclamation was based upon the circumstances of severe drought conditions that by the reason of their magnitude is beyond the control of the services , personnel, equipment and facilities of any one local entity and requires the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat.
Existing Graywater standards contained in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 24, California Plumbing Code, Part 5, Appendix G are based upon requirements for private sewage disposal. Theses standards have been found to be overly prescriptive and antiquated, and not readily usable by persons seeking to install graywater systems for the purpose of water conservation.
The graywater regulation revolution was started in 1989 in Santa Barbara, California. It spread from there to four other communities, then the whole state, via the Uniform Plumbing Code, in 1992.
The approach the commission has now adopted is being used successfully in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and soon Nevada, Montana, and Oregon. With this change, California is regaining its leadership role for graywater reuse.
NBN News graywater, greywater
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2 Responses to “Revolutionary Graywater Code Passes California Building Standards Commission”
Katin says:
August 26, 2009 at 12:03 am
To C.R. and Mrs. Fowler,
If you and thousands of other Americans would cease buying and using non-green household products there would be no fear of contaminating the soil and the possibility of illness from said soil or crops grown thereon. And when I say non-green products, I mean shampoo, soap, lotion, moisturizer, creams, hair dyes and all other products with toxic chemicals and animal hormone extracts.
So to all People, rise up and take responsibility for yourselves! No more red tape, use your common sense. We are the stewards of the Earth and we know with every fiber of our being what to do in order to care for it.
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
As with other legislation, we assume it is money more than principle influencing this fundamental change in water standards. But former thoughtful high standards shouldn’t be bypassed – the public needs facts.
We have seen no scientific studies saying that graywater leaving our individual homes for our yards, with its hormone creams and man made contaminants historically unknown to natural soil filtration, will be adequately filtered by the time it leaves underground aquifers. We do know of numerous illnesses, including Parkinsonism, which can be caused by polluted well water.
We live on porous alluvial soil with periodic high water tables,and must drink water pumped and processed from wells under our homes by a regional water company. We need proof of its safety, not just enthusiastic statements by those who will profit from installing new systems.
Please send us a summary of the rational pros and cons of permitting each house to install unfiltered systems to their yard.
Thank you, C.R. and Mrs. Fowler
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Opening ceremony of the conference in Nuremberg's Higher Regional Court Front row (f.l.t.r.): Prinz Stefan von und zu Liechtenstein, Frau Maliha Zulfacar, Ammar Husseini, Frances Johnson Morris, John Ohiorhenuan, Alphonse Hitiyaremye, Sadako Ogata, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Yasmin Sooka, Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Märta Elisabeth Rehn, Sonia Picado, Jean-Damascène Habimana, Lakhdar Brahimi Back row (f.l.t.r.): Mohammad Tarawneh, Günter Gloser, Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein, Álvaro de Soto, Luis Moreno Ocampo, Sharif Al-Zu’bi, René Blattmann, Jan Egeland, Juan Méndez, Ian Martin, Gareth Evans, Lord Bonomy
The conference was opened jointly by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Sonia , former President of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights and personal representative of the President of Costa Rica, Luis , the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and Sharif A, Minister of Justice of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The ceremony itself was held in a truly historic venue, the courtroom where sixty years ago the Nuremburg trials took place in what is now the Higher Regional Court building.The aim of the conference was to show how, building on practical experience from many parts of the world, the tensions that may arise at least temporarily between peace and justice can be addressed in a constructive way. Conflicts between the goals of peace and justice may arise, for example, if the parties to a conflict insist on a general amnesty as their price for making peace, or if reconstruction efforts suffer from the competition for resources between the security, justice and other development sectors. The conference programme began with four panel discussions featuring eminent practitioners, followed by devoted to particular aspects of the overall theme and building on .The , which were presented by Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein on the final day, will form the basis of a "". This project put forward by the conference convenors met with the approval of participants. According to plans announced by former Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki a group of experts working under the guidance of Costa Rican President and Nobel Peace laureate Oscar Arias will prepare a draft text by mid-2008, after consultations with relevant organizations. The intention is to set out principles and make concrete recommendations that can feed into the work of institutions and individuals concerned with peace negotiations as well as peace, reconciliation and reconstruction processes and transitional justice mechanisms in post-conflict situations.
The conference was opened jointly by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Sonia , former President of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights and personal representative of the President of Costa Rica, Luis , the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and Sharif A, Minister of Justice of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The ceremony itself was held in a truly historic venue, the courtroom where sixty years ago the Nuremburg trials took place in what is now the Higher Regional Court building.The aim of the conference was to show how, building on practical experience from many parts of the world, the tensions that may arise at least temporarily between peace and justice can be addressed in a constructive way. Conflicts between the goals of peace and justice may arise, for example, if the parties to a conflict insist on a general amnesty as their price for making peace, or if reconstruction efforts suffer from the competition for resources between the security, justice and other development sectors. The conference programme began with four panel discussions featuring eminent practitioners, followed by devoted to particular aspects of the overall theme and building on .The , which were presented by Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein on the final day, will form the basis of a "". This project put forward by the conference convenors met with the approval of participants. According to plans announced by former Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki a group of experts working under the guidance of Costa Rican President and Nobel Peace laureate Oscar Arias will prepare a draft text by mid-2008, after consultations with relevant organizations. The intention is to set out principles and make concrete recommendations that can feed into the work of institutions and individuals concerned with peace negotiations as well as peace, reconciliation and reconstruction processes and transitional justice mechanisms in post-conflict situations.
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Conference venue NurembergThe conference took place in Nuremberg, a city synonymous with the realization that peacebuilding and reconciliation in post-conflict situations are unthinkable unless accompanied by strenuous efforts to deal with a legacy of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.Günter Gloser, Minister of State for Europe, stated "For the first time, an international conference dealt with the complex and extremely topical issue of the conflict of interests which arises between the objectives of peace and justice in the resolution of armed conflicts. We are delighted that this important event took place in Nuremberg."
Designed specifically for your climate, your location, and your building needs, Cover-All is your ideal storage building solution. Whether you need a riding arena, an equipment storage building, a dairy barn, a building for salt and sand storage, or an event center, our team of professionals will work with your ideas and bring them to life. We value our customers and understand that your satisfaction is just smart business.
Conference venue NurembergThe conference took place in Nuremberg, a city synonymous with the realization that peacebuilding and reconciliation in post-conflict situations are unthinkable unless accompanied by strenuous efforts to deal with a legacy of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.Günter Gloser, Minister of State for Europe, stated "For the first time, an international conference dealt with the complex and extremely topical issue of the conflict of interests which arises between the objectives of peace and justice in the resolution of armed conflicts. We are delighted that this important event took place in Nuremberg."
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